Please read our entire website home page before leaving us voice mails. We try to answer your calls but prefer email if you can't find the answer to your question on our site.
You must be a member or our coop to purchase dairy products. The membership is good for one year starting January 1st. annually. The pick up dates and time are listed on the home page. Order deadlines are every other Sunday at midnight. Pick up times are every other Thursday between 4-7 p.m. Browse our products and purchase through our secure server hosted by paypal. You don't have to use a paypal account you can use any major credit card. MOST IMPORTANT. Once you have added items to your cart and proceed to check out you will be directed to paypal's site. When you have completed your order you must click the link taking you back to our main page. This allows paypal to tell us that you paid and the details of your order. If you don't confirm back to our site we will not see what you ordered and your order will not be filled. We do this to use the most secure credit card processing available.
The farms we get our foods from our located in Southern and Central Illinois. We are passionate about the quality of the food we bring home to our families and yours. Please don't hesitate to make suggestions or comments on our website or email. We appreciate your business and hope to continue to expand our product lines and buying power.
Best in health,
Kevin Kosiek
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