Saturday, December 20, 2008

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to you and your families.
Thanks to all of our coop members for making it a great year.
We hope to expand our product line into the next year and improve our communication among other things. Thanks for your patience.
If you have read this blog you are eligible for a one gallon glass container when you buy one. Just email or tell us the password "Yahweh" when you place your order. Many of our families have requested glass and we are now able to meet that need.
MooGrass Farms

1 comment:

MooGrass Farms said...

**ON PICK UP DAYS PLEASE COME TO THE SOUTH SIDE ENTRY DOOR TO OUR GARAGE! When you are walking up to the large Garage door, the door I’m speaking of will be to your left where the trailer is parked. **PLEASE DO NOT GO THROUGH THE FENCED/GATE (Beware of Dog Sign) SIDE OF GARAGE WE HAVE A LARGE GERMAN SHEPARD THAT IS NOT VERY FRIENDLY**